Tetris Gaming Console
Back in winter 2018 my fiancée and I decided that for Christmas we will surprise each other with gifts made by ourselves. She is an absolute addict of Tetris, so I figured it'd be cool to build her a little standalone gaming console.
The console was built using a Raspberry Pi Model B. To make the build a little more interesting I used a 32x32 LED matrix for visual output. Also for that extra retro flavour I wired-up a USB NES game-pad to the Pi for controls. I wrote the game itself in Python and made the .py script run after every boot of the Raspbian. It took about a week to get finished, secretly working nights so she would not find out what it is. In the end it worked great and she loved it. The only drawback was the boot time of the OS, which I managed to cut down by disabling some unused services from from loading during start-up, however the game still takes roughly 10 to 15 seconds to come-up once it is plugged into power.